

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年





Problems using foreign capital in Zhejiang Province and Countermeasures

Abstract: Zhejiang is the largest private foreign investment in China economic giants. Use of foreign capital for economic development in Zhejiang has become an important part. How to improve the efficiency of foreign capital, and promote faster economic development of Zhejiang, is a matter of concern. This paper analyzes the characteristics of Zhejiang, the status of foreign capital, analyzes the use of foreign investment in some of the problems faced are proposed to improve the efficiency of utilization of foreign capital countermeasures. Simply expand the use of foreign capital will be out of the total economy, the funding gap to make up for the initial stage of construction, into a play to promote the internationalization of the economy. Improve the economic quality and the quality of economic growth in the new historical role.

Key words: Foreign investment in Zhejiang;Analysis;Countermeasures





目  录

1  引  言 1
2  浙江省利用外资的现状 1
2.1  投资总量 2
2.2  投资形式 3
2.3  投资行业 4
2.3.1  制造业仍是今后相当长时期浙江利用外资的主要领域 4
2.3.2  服务业对外开放步伐将不断加快 4
2.4  投资地区 4
2.5  投资来源 5
3  浙江省利用外资中面临的问题分析 6
3.1  企业内部矛盾阻碍外资利用效率 6
3.1.1  缺乏企业技术创新能力和高素质的技术人才 6
3.1.2  缺乏外商合作的产业链和产品基础 6
3.1.3  企业制度、企业家素质等影响了浙江民营企业与外资的合资合作 6
3.2  生产要素的供给日趋紧张 7
3.3  利用外资的软环境不够理想 7
3.4  外资在产业间的分布不合理,产业结构失衡 7
3.5  外资进入的环保标准门槛过低,忽视循环经济的发展 8
3.6  外资进入造成行业垄断,制约民族产业的发展 8
4  提高浙江省利用外资效率的对策思考 8
4.1  引资形式上要有所突破 9
4.2  利用外资的方式上要有所突破 9
4.3  利用外资的领域要有所突破 9
4.4  投资环境上争取有所突破 10
5  结  论 11
参考文献 12


