

全文字数:17000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


关键词:古琴 琴派 历史时期
Summary:the ancient piano is a Chinese nation to play a string instrument at the earliest stage, is the treasure of the China traditional culture.She with its history long ago, cultural heritage vast, the content enrich and influence profound see Jean for the people of this world.Hubei once ZengHouYi B last home sprout of the real object be apart from to have for more than 2,400 years now, Tang Sung the in the pasts all have an ancient piano exquisite article to bequeath to posterity.Save to see the music score that the South and North Dynasty goes to Manchu dynasty 100 remainings grow, the piano song reaches to 3,000, also having in great quantities cultural heritage concerning piano house, the piano ory, piano system, playing skill, leaving behind of plenteous may be a Chinese musical instrument it most.Ancient times.
Keyword:the ancient; a parties; Region culture;
提到古琴,我们马上想到的是它那丰富而深厚的文化内涵 。这完全是因为它长期在文人士大夫手中而积淀了丰厚的文化内涵。如果去掉这些文化内涵,古琴就只能是一件极为普通的乐器。这种认识显然不正确。古琴积累了大量的乐曲,这些乐曲所表现的内容极为广阔,从社会政治到人伦情感,从花鸟虫鱼到自然山水,无不进入过古琴表现的境域;而一旦经过古琴的表现,它们就立刻获得了巨大的艺术魅力。这至少说明了古琴作为乐器的极为广阔的表现力。

