

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘要:本文基于对南岳衡山旅游者的194份有效问卷调查,运用因子分析和非参数分析及检验方法进行定量统计和分析,对宗教名山旅游者旅游动机在人口学特征上的差异进行了探讨,并得出了宗教名山旅游者旅游动机可归结为“求新与挑战”、“ 精神和感情寄托”、“ 休息与放松”、“ 爱好与发展”、“ 体验与感受”、“ 方便与实惠”、“ 学习、工作需要”和“冲动”八大类。进一步得出宗教名山旅游以观光和宗教朝拜为主的结论。这对宗教名山进行旅游产品开发和完善旅游服务体系具有重要意义。


Abstract:  This article is based on the 194 Questionnaire survey about the mountain of tourists in nanyuehengshan, the use of the most effective factor analysis and a parameter analysis and examination methods the quantitation of statistical analysis on the mountain tourists travel to the motivation of the population characteristic of the differences, and the religious mountain tourists travel motives boils down to a " Search for new things and challenges" and "spirit and feelings bailment" and "a rest and relaxation, hobbies and development", "experience and feeling, convenient and economical","Study, work needed," and "urge" eight categories. further to the mountains in tour of religion and religious pay their respects to the conclusion. the mountains in tour on the development and improve the system of travel services is significant.


Key words: Religious mountain tourists ; the motive ;mountain in nanyue hengshan tour

