

全文字数:9000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



  摘  要:影视作品可以向潜在旅游者充分展示旅游目的地的魅力,具有生动、直观、影响力强的明显优势。本文通过资料收集和问卷调查的方式,分析了湘西影视作品的发展现状以及影视作品对湘西旅游的影响,针对存在的问题,对发展张家界的影视作品提出了(1)加大张家界对外宣传力度,进一步做好影视作品营销工作;(2)加强人文旅游资源的整合,提升张家界影视作品发展潜力;(3)强化主动借势意识,扩大张家界影视作品的聚焦点等相应对策,这些对策的实施将有助于湘西及张家界旅游事业的发展。


Videos of tourism development in xiangxi influence studies
   Abstract:Film and television works to potential tourists can show the charm of tourist destination, with vivid, intuitive, influence strong obvious advantages. This article through and questionnaire survey to collect data, analyzes the way the development situation of xiangxi videos and movies on the influence of xiangxi tourism, aimed at the problems of development, put forward the videos of zhangjiajie (1) increasing foreign propaganda, zhangjiajie film-and-television works well further marketing work; (2) strengthening the integration of culture tourism resources of zhangjiajie in film and television work, promote development potential; (3) strengthen the initiative, expand zhangjiajie self-producing consciousness of film and television works countermeasures such as, differentiates the implementation of these measures will help xiangxi and zhangjiajie tourism development.

    Key words:videos;Xiangxi tourism;Zhangjiajie tourism development;influence

