

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要

国际商务谈判是一种典型的跨文化交际活动,信息的顺利交换对取得谈判的成功和达到双方满意的结果显得至关重要,而口译人员对于达到这一目的起着至关重要的作用。文章运用格赖斯(H. P. Grice)的合作原则对国际商务谈判口译这一特殊的会话过程进行分析,探讨译员如何主动有效地运用合作原则以帮助谈判双方建立起合作关系,协调双方的沟通和交流,推动谈判的顺利进行,并论证合作原则及其准则作为衡量商务谈判口译质量的标准的可行性。文章首先介绍国际商务谈判口译的概念、特点和基本分类。而后分述合作原则的定义和四大准则,以及这一原则在国际商务谈判中口译中的应用。然后结合一个具体的口译实例进行详细的分析,以说明口译人员自觉遵守和主动运用合作原则的必要性和重要性。最后,作者得出结论,指出合作原则理论对国际商务谈判中口译研究的启示和帮助,并强调口译人员主动运用合作原则指导国际商务谈判口译的实践,可以促成谈判的顺利进行。

On Application of the Cooperative Principle to Interpreting in International Business Negotiations


International business negotiation is typical of cross-cultural communication, while the free flow of information is essential to the success of a negotiation to the mutual satisfaction. Above all, the interpreter plays an important role in securing a successful information exchange during the process of negotiation. This paper tries to apply Grice’s cooperative principle to the study of interpreter-mediated international business negotiation in order to reveal the importance of the interpreter’s involvement in an interpreting process and how an interpreter uses this principle to make the two parties reach an agreement. Firstly, the author expounds the definition, features, and the categories of interpreting in international business negotiation (IIBN). Secondly, she introduces the cooperative principle and its four maxims as suitable standard of negotiation interpreting. Then, the author illustrates an event of business negotiation interpreting in order to explain how important and necessary the cooperative principle should be applied in an active and conscious manner. At last, the author concludes that the cooperative principle is helpful to the study of interpreting and an interpreter that can actively apply the cooperative principle to the international business negotiation will make the two parties have more effective communication and a smooth process.

Key words: international business negotiation, interpreting, Grice, the cooperative principle

