

全文字数:12000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


With the progress and development, microcontroller and sensor technology has spread to our lives, work, research and other fields, has become a more mature technology. In this paper, both hardware and software, introduced a digital thermometer AT89C51 single-chip design, and hardware schematics and concise description of the procedure.
The entire system by the controller, temperature sensor, LCD display and keyboard parts. Related to the selection of the temperature sensor chip, single-chip temperature sensor and interface circuit design, as well as temperature information collection, data transfer and temperature shown in software design. Belonging to the multi-function thermometer thermometer, you can set upper and lower temperature alarm, when the temperature exceeds the set range, you can sound and light alarm.
Key words: DS18B20 AT89C51 LCD1602 temperature measurement目录
摘要(本论文范文的论文综述) 1
0文献综述 3
0.1国内外测温状况 3
0.2国内外温度检测元件的研究方向 4
0.3 国内外测温技术存在的问题及发展动向 6
1 引言 7
1.1 测温技术发展的前景 7
1.2 测温技术存在的问题及发展动向 7
1.3 本文设计要求 7
2 温度传感器DS18B20 8
2.1 方案选择 8
2.2 温度传感器DS18B20介绍 8
3 系统硬件设计 12
3.1 单片机最小系统 12
3.2温度传感器电路 16
3.3 液晶显示电路 17
3.4 键盘电路设计 18
3.5  声音报警电路设计 20
4 软件系统设计 21
4.1 系统软件设计的整体思想 21
4.2 系统程序流程图 22
4.3 DS18B20驱动流程 23
4.4 液晶显示 23
4.4.1、模块接口说明 24
4.4.2、指令描述 24
4.4.3 LCD1602液晶模块函数 26
5  总结 28
参考文献 29
致谢 30




