

全文字数:3700字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


通过对护理学导论教学中开展双语教学后效果的检测,探讨在护理教学中开展双语教学的意义与方法。[方法]选择2007级英语护理班及英语护理(涉外方向)班的131名学生为研究对象,在学期初和学期末均采用同一份护理专业听力材料进行听力测试,并在期末进行全英文试卷笔试。[结果]在经过一个学期的双语教学后,学生听力测试平均成绩明显高于学期初(P<0.05);期末全英文试卷测试及格率高达90%以上。[ 结论] 双语教学的开展有利于提高学生的专业英语听、读、写能力,并带动口语水平的提高。因此在护理学导论中开展双语教学是可行的并且是必要的,但要注意教学方法。
关键词:双语教学 护理学导论 护理教学
Abstract  Objective  To discuss the significance and method of bilingual teaching in the nursing teaching by the effect test after carrying out bilingual teaching for a term. Methods Choose 131 students from the three English nursing classes of 2007 , take a listening test from the same nursing frofessional material before and after the bilingual teaching; take a terminal exam of introduction to nursing in English. Result After a term’s bilingual teaching, the students’ average score of the listening test is distinctly higher than that in the beginning of the term; The rate of  the students passing the terminal exam is above 90%.Conclusion  The results suggest that the students’ ability of applying professional English is significantly improved after carrying out bilingual teaching, therefore , bilingual teaching in the teaching of introduction to nursing is feasible and essential, but we must adopt appropriate methods.
Key words  bilingual teaching; introduction to nursing; nursing teaching

