

全文字数:9000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘要:产业集群是指在某一特定领域中,大量产业联系密切的企业以及相关支撑机构在空间上集聚,通过协同作用,形成强劲、持续竞争优势的现象。产业集群不仅是主导产业及其相关产业在空间的聚集, 更主要的是产业竞争优势的聚合及由此带来的区域经济的超常规发展。在发达国家,产业集群已相当普遍,由产业集群形成的集群经济早已成为区域经济的经济增长新亮点。我国集群经济的发展虽然起步较晚,但在广东、江苏、浙江沿海一带方兴未艾,正成为区域经济发展的新亮点。湖南的产业集群虽然制约因素较多,但在长沙、株洲、湘潭、岳阳、郴州等市已初见成效,并显现集群效应。随着市场经济的深入,发展产业集群,已成为促进湖南经济结构优化升级,释放集聚效应,加速新型工业化进程的一项战略任务。

The countermeasure study of Hunan develop industry cluster

Abstract: Industry cluster means many industry companies with close relation and its related prop up the organization gather on the space , pass to be in conjunction with the function, become sturdy, keep on the phenomenon of competitive advantage.
Industry cluster is not only its predominant industry and its related industry gathering in spaces, but also its industry competition advantages cluster and it brings the transnormal development of the district economy. The industry cluster already very widespread in developed country, and the economic of cluster has became new bright of the district. Though the start of group economy development is late in our country, in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang coastal region it is on the up now and just become the new bright in the development of district economic. Although the supervision factors of industry cluster in Hunan province are many, but in city of Changsha, Zhuzhou, Xiangtan, Yueyang and Chengzhou the development already saw the result and present the cluster effect. Along with the market economy of thorough, develop industry cluster has became a strategic mission to promote economic structure in Hunan, release to cluster effect and accelerate new industrialization progress.
Key words: industry cluster; regional economy; cluster effect; gradient transference

