

全文字数:12000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


Reputation effects on the analysis of the impact of the fund managers
Abstract:  Fund manager is the key person in the operation of an investment fund,who has a great impact on fund performance. Recently, “herd behavior”、 “black screen” and “Fund managers frequently switch” take place frequently in the fund industy in China that indicates the loose systems of balance constrain and supervision. Therefore, it is of vital importance to apply incentive mechanism to protect the interest of stakeholds and avoid “moral risk”among portfolio managers. Incentive fund managers in the various factors, as a material incentive stake、fund management fees and so on play a fundamental role in safeguarding, Only the reputation as a spiritual incentive to encourage further stimulate the potential of the fund managers. This article mainly aims at the prestige to drive that conducts the research to the fund manager's influence. So far, specialized research reputation of the fund managers are very few, But as incentive mechanism in important means that the prestige mechanism receives more and more takes seriously. Therefore, This paper summarized the results on the basis of their predecessors , the present situation which and the effect drove from the prestige analyze its insufficiency and the limitation which make the incentive mechanism reputation establish and improved.
Key words:incentive reputation ;fund manager; analysis

