

全文字数:9000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘要: 19世纪中期,随着中国社会的进一步发展,中国的教育开始迈向了近代化,洋务运动在推动中国教育走向近代化的过程发挥了重要的作用。洋务派通过实施创办新式学堂、派遣留学生、创办报纸、翻译西书等一系列发展近代教育的措施,极大的冲击了当时占统治地位的封建教育体制,并最终使其被新的近代教育体制所代替。洋务教育迈了中国教育近代化的第一步,对于中国社会的近代化有着积极的影响作用。
关键词: 洋务教育;  新式学堂 ; 留学教育;  翻译西书; 创办报纸

Analysis The Westernization Movement and the Modernization of Chinese Education
Abstract:  Mid-19th century, with the further development of Chinese society, China's education began to move towards the modernization, Westernization Movement in promoting China's modernization process of education to play an important role. Westernization through the implementation of the creation of new schools, sending students abroad, founded the newspaper, translating Western books and a series of measures to greatly impact the then dominant feudal education system, and ultimately it was the new replaced by modern education system. Westernization of education step of the first step in China's education modernization, the modernization of Chinese society has a positive effect.
Key words:  Western Education;  Overseas Education ;  Translation New Schools; founder of the newspaper West Books

