

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




摘要  在青少年跳远教学训练中,助跑技术是跳远技术的重点和难点,提高跳远的助跑速度和准确性成为运动员提高运动成绩的关键因素之一。本文通过分析中外部分优秀跳远运动员在比赛中的有关参数,通过对文献资料的收集整理和综合分析,结合自身多年来对跳远的学习训练。从提高青少年跳远运动员的助跑速度和准确性方面来分析研究青少年跳远运动员的助跑技术,为跳远的教学训练提供可行性的参考,从而进一步提高跳远教学训练的实效性。
关键词  助跑速度;  助跑准确性;  心理因素;  节奏感

On youth RUN-technology
Abstract   In teaching and training young people jump, long jump run-up technology is the key technical and difficult, enhance the long-jump run-up speed and accuracy as the athletes improve their performance one of the key factors. By analyzing some outstanding foreign athletes in the long jump competition in the relevant parameters, Based on literature data collection, collation and analysis, in combination with their many years of training in the long jump learning. Raising young jumpers approach speed and accuracy to the study of juvenile jumpers technical approach for the long jump teaching and training the feasibility of providing information, so as to further enhance the long jump teaching and training more effective.
Keywords   Running speed;    Running accuracy;   Psychological Factors;   Rhythm

