

全文字数:19000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



关键词:汽车网络营销 发展特点 策略
Ltd. of DongFeng Honda Motor network marketing tactics studies
 Now of Internet consumer has increased day by day , has establish a basis for automobile, network marketing going a step further develops. And the characteristic and advantage the main. body of a book is sold taking Corp. of DongFeng Honda Motor as the model printing plate have analyzed automobile network camp systematically, point out the problem that there exists in automobile network marketing at present , the tactics having brought forward automobile network marketing finally.
Developing with our country automobile estate ceaselessness, the pin carrying out automobile brand camp with the way building website is already very common. Ceaselessness of Internet consumer has increased by , has establish a basis for automobile network marketing going a step further develops. The automobile network medium responds to exceed.
第1章  绪论 1
1.1、课题背景 1
1.2、东风本田集团公司简介 1
1.2.1、集团公司概况 2
1.2.2、企业文化 3
1.3、本文研究的意义 3
第2章  东风本田网络营销环境分析 5
2.1、宏观环境分析 5
2.1.1  世界汽车网络营销的总体趋势 5
2.1.2  国内的汽车网络营销的总体趋势 5
2.2  微观环境分析 6
2.2.1  东风本田的网络营销系统 6
2.2.2  竞争对手分析 7
本章小结 7
第3章  东风本田汽车网络营销分析 8
3.1、东风本田的优劣势分析 8
3.1.1、优势分析 8
3.1.2、劣势分析 9
3.2、网络营销策略分析 10
3.2.1、产品策略分析 102
3.2.2、价格策略分析 10
 3.2.3、网络渠道策略分析 11
3.2.4、网上促销策略 11
本章小结                                       12
第4章 对完善东风本田网络营销的建议 12
4.1. 完善东风本田网络营销的建议 12
4.1.1、产品策略建议 12
4.1.2、价格策略建议 13
4.1.3、销售渠道建议 13
4.1.4、促销策略建议 14
本章小结 15
  结 论 15
参考文献 16
致谢 16


