

全文字数:5500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


  摘  要: 中国民族民间舞蹈音乐伴奏中的节奏千变万化,而其变化主要集中体现在打击乐器的演奏中。在民间舞蹈中,音乐风格及节奏是可以作为这个民族的标志,并对渲染情感方面起到非常重要的作用的。节奏在这当中占据着不容忽视的地位。所以,舞蹈是可以脱离音乐的旋律,完全运用“鼓点”作为伴奏的音乐,这在汉族舞蹈中是体现得最为明显的。
    关键词:汉族民间舞蹈;  风格特点;  乐曲;  鼓点;  关系
On the Chinese folk dance and the "drums" of the relationship between
Abstract: China's national folk dance music in the rhythm of the ever-changing, and the changes embodied in the performance of percussion instruments. In folk dance, the musical style and rhythm is as a symbol of this nation, and play up the emotions play a very important role. Rhythm in which the occupied status can not be ignored. Therefore, it is dance music from the melody, full use of "drums" as the accompaniment of music, dance in the Han nationality is the most obvious manifestation of. In this paper, the Han Chinese ethnic folk dances in the "drums" the importance of their folk dance and the Northeast Yangko Han, Anhui and Shandong huagudeng Yangko in the cultural context of the origin of their nation and performance aspects of the form of a general of understanding, then the characteristics of different forms to the differences between them as a comparison and analysis, and then in the Han folk dance movements with the "drums" in relations with some theoretical analysis and reflection.
     Key words: Chinese folk dance;   style characteristics;   music;   drums;  Relations

