

全文字数:4500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘    要


关键词:  文化入侵;  花木兰;  文化;  显性文化入侵;  隐性文化入侵

The concept of cultural invasion had already initially formed around the world, but in our country the related research is neither mature, nor comprehensive. In view of this, through elaborating the definitions of culture and cultural invasion and analyzing the current state of cultural invasion on a global scale, the essay divides the cultural invasion into two kinds: apparent cultural invasion and unapparent cultural invasion. And it takes the Disney movie HuaMulan as an example, which is precisely a typical representative of this unapparent cultural invasion, to investigate the influence of the present global cultural invasion on our country. Although this movie was adapted from the well-known Chinese folktale of HuaMulan, combined with many western-style elements, it has a typical characteristic of Hollywood movie. The study exposes Western super powers’ primary purpose of advocating their unique values to the world that by media of movies. This paper has made a profound discussion about unapparent cultural invasion, hoping it can recall the caution of people, and remind them not to become the victims of the Western culture invasion.
Key Words: Cultural invasion;  HuaMulan;  culture;  apparent cultural invasion;   unapparent cultural invasion 

