

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘要: 人口老龄化问题成为二十一世纪的突出社会现象。老年人是这个社会中的弱势群体,他们的晚年生活及身心健康都值得我们关注。本文从人口老龄化问题开始论述,通过对菏泽地区老年人自发成立的业余音乐社团的实地调查,说明音乐对老年生活的意义。通过调查我们发现,这些离退休的老人,从长期紧张的工作状态中松弛下来,并没有因此而产生消极的情绪,生活反而更加丰富多彩。他们没有给社会带来负担,也没有给子女带来压力,而是选择了自己寻找乐趣。这些音乐社团的活动在不知不觉中也为音乐的传播做出了突出贡献。

 Investigation Report of Music life of the elderly in Heze Peony District

Abstract: Population aging in the twenty-first century is a prominent social phenomenon. The elderly is the vulnerable groups in society and their retirement and health are worth of our attention. This article discusses population aging began, through the establishment of Heze old people in self-field survey of amateur musical society to understand the old age. Found that the retired elderly, long-term stress from the work of state relax, and not the resulting negative emotions, but a more colorful life. They do not have a burden to society, there is no pressure on their children,But choose to find their own fun. These old people have unknowingly spread the music made outstanding contributions.
Keywords: population aging; Heze; amateur societies; life; Music Communication

