

全文字数:11000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要:中国银行保险始于20世纪90年代,至今已经走过了10多个年头,已日益受到重视,并取得了不少进展,但是,中国银行保险的发展还处在较低水平,存在不少问题,产品单一、服务滞后和短期经营等危机。文章首先从金融环境的角度和自身发展需要的角度分析了银行保险业发展的理论基础和依据;其次对西方国家银行保险业的发展的动因、发展历程和现状进行了较为详细的研究,并从中提炼出对我国银行保险业发展的经验借鉴;再次,本文对我国银行保险业的发展进行了实证考察,并在实证考查的基础上分析我国银行保险业发展当中存在的主要问题及其深层次的制约因素,最后本文就我国银行保险业的发展提出了政策建议。
关键词:银行保险 ; 保险发展 ; 金融

Bancassurance Development in China

Abstract : Bancassurance began in the 20th century 90's, has already gone through over 10 years, has received increasing attention, and has made considerable progress, however, the Bancassurance still in a relatively low level of development, there are many problems , single product, service delay and short-term crisis management and so on. This article first from the financial environment point of view and their own development needs the perspective of the Bancassurance industry's rationale and evidence; followed by Western State Bancassurance  motivation, development history and current situation of a more detailed study, and from extract on the development of China's Bancassurance  Experience; again, the paper of Banks and Insurance industry an empirical study, and to examine the basis of empirical analysis of the Bancassurance  industry were the main problems and its deep-seated constraints, the last article on the development of China's Bancassurance policy recommendations.
Key words: Bancassurance; Insurance Development; Finance

