

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



内容摘要:目前在中国农村, 高达94.1%的农村老人完全依靠家庭养老,土地养老也无法适应新时代的需求。无论是从经济、法律、历史还是社会学的角度看,建立全方位、广覆盖的农村社会化养老模式都势在必行。但是我国保险事业相比外国一些发达国家如:德国、美国、日本等起步较晚,制度不够健全,因此本文分析了各国农村养老保险产生的背景及原因,筹资方式,运作模式,覆盖范围和各自的优缺点,发现了我国在农村养老保险制度中的缺陷,主要表现为:个人责任相对于我国工资水平偏高;保险对象范围过窄;社会统筹和个人账户难结合等问题。因此需要学习和借鉴国外先进的制度,为我国建立合理的农村养老保险体制提供经验。这些启示和经验有:1. 立法先行,为农村养老保险制度提供法律保障。2. 建立科学化的组织、管理和监督体系。3. 扩大覆盖范围,建立多层次的养老保险体系。4. 建立政府主导的多元化筹资渠道。5.积极发挥土地、家庭的养老功能。
The referance and inspiration for domestic and international experience of rural endowment insurance system

Abstract:Presently in China, as high as 94.1% of the rural elderly depend entirely on the family endowment, land endowment is unable to meet the requirements of new times. Whether it is from the economic, legal, history or sociological perspective, establish comprehensive, universal coverage of rural social endowment pattern is imperative. But the insurance business in China started later and wasn't strong enough compared with some developed countries such as Germany, the United States, Japan and some others , so this paper analysis the backgroud and reasons, the fund-raising way,the operation mode,the coverage, advantages and disadvantages  of the various countries' rural endowment insurance, and found the defects of the present system of rural endowment insurance , mainly as follows: personal responsibility is higher than our country wage levels; Insurance object are in a narrow scope; The society plans and individual account are difficult.to be a whole. Therefore, we need to learn from the foreign advanced system, provide experience  for establishing a reasonable rural endowment insurance system of our country. These Revelations and experience are: 1. Legislation first and provide legal protection for the rural society endowment insurance system . 2. Establish a scientific organization, management and supervision system. 3. Expand the coverage and establish the mutiple level system of endowment insurance. 4. Set up a diversified financing channels with government leading. 5. Play an active function of the land and the family.
Key words:System of rural endowment insurance, Finance approach, Operation mode, The coverage

