

全文字数:9500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


摘  要: 艺术是一个大家族,各门艺术都有着自己与众不同的特性,但是各种形式的艺术又是相互联系、相互影响的。舞蹈与美术之间就有着非常深刻的渊源,舞蹈编导在进行舞蹈创作的过程中,借鉴到了很多美术方面的知识,也可以说美术贯穿于舞蹈创作的始终。作为当代的舞蹈编导,在进行舞蹈创作的过程中如何巧妙的运用其他艺术知识来提升舞蹈艺术的高度尤为重要,我们肩上也担负着如何提高、创新和推动我国舞蹈事业的不断前行的重任。
关键词: 舞蹈构图;  美术构图;  舞台美术;  借鉴;  应用
The Reference and Application of Aesthetics in the Process   of Dance Creating
Abstract: Art is a big family,the art has its own unique characteristics,but all forms of art are interrelated and mutually affected.There is a very deep origin between dance and aesthetics.In the process of dance creating,dance choreographers are learning a lot form aesthetics.This is also can be said that,through the art of dance has there always been aesthetics.It is particularly important as a contemporary choreographer to use the other art knowledge neatly to improve the level of the dance art.And we also have the responsibility for increasing,creating and promoting the progress of dance in our county.
Key words: dance composition; art composition; stage arts; Reference; Apply.

