

全文字数:5000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘 要: 电影中的音乐不是纯音乐,它是视听系统中的一个元素,音乐的创作者要有视听意识,音乐的运用要纳入音乐总谱,统一规划,合理布局。音乐在电影中扮演着重要的角色,它可以揭示出影片的主题,电影中音乐的风格与影片的风格紧密相关,会影响到影片的风格的形成。
    关键字: 电影;  音乐;  风格;  视听元素
The Basic Function of Music in Films
   Abstract:The music of film is not pure music, it is an element of audio-visual system.Music creators should have audio-visual awareness. The use of music should  be included in the music and be unified planning and be rational distribution.Music in movies play an important role.It can reveal the theme of the film.The style of the film music and the style of the film is closely related.It will affect the formation of film style.
   Keywords:  film;  music;  style;  audio-visual elements.


