

全文字数:9000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘要  中国古代数学曾一度在世界上遥遥领先,创造了许多令人骄傲的成果。通过对中国古代数学的研究,展示十个对数学发展尤为重要的成果:勾股定理、圆周率的计算、方程术、中国剩余定理、贾宪三角、分数理论、不定方程、招差术、比例问题与盈不足术、十进位值制。这些成果的取得,不仅体现了中国古代人民领先于世界的科学探索能力,还对后世数学的发展造成了积极的深远影响。
关键词  方程术  贾宪三角  招差术  十进位值制

Ten Leading Achievements of Ancient Chinese Mathematics
Abstract  The ancient Chinese mathematics was once far ahead in the world and many proud achievements were created by ancient Chinese people .Through the study of ancient Chinese mathematics, it will show 10 particularly important to the outcome of the development of mathematics: The Pythagorean theorem, Pi calculation, Equation technique, The Chinese Remainder Theorem, Jia Xian triangle, Fractional theory, Indeterminate equation, Higher order interpolation, Ratio of algorithm, Decimal value system.All these achievements not only reflected the ancient Chinese people are leading the world of scientific exploration, also resulted in the development of mathematics after is a positive and far-reaching impact.
Key words  Equation technique   Jia Xian triangle  Higher order interpolation  Decimal value system

