

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


浅谈孕期营养指导摘 要
目 的 探讨孕期定期营养指导对胎儿生长发育及孕妇健康的影响,以加强孕妇对孕期营养保健认识的重要性。
方 法 将2010年5月至2010年6月在我院孕妇学校就学的100例初孕妇随机分为营养指导组和对照组各50例,前者根据妊娠的不同时期对孕妇进行具体的膳食营养指导,后者则根据孕妇的饮食习惯与喜好进食。两者在同等孕期监测胎儿生长发育、孕妇体重、宫高以及血红蛋白的变化,B超动态测量胎儿双顶经、头围、股骨长度以及住院分娩后新生儿出生体重。
结 果 指导组妊娠后期双顶经、头围、股骨长度指标明显优于对照组(指导组的双顶径平均为9.55CM,股骨长平均为7.13 CM;对照组为9.3CM股骨长为7.02CM),指导组妊娠后期孕妇血红蛋白显著高于对照组(指导组平均为108;对照组为96.4)。
结论 孕期营养已成为广大产妇及家属迫切需要了解的问题,对孕妇进行定期个体化营养指导有利于优生优育,降低妊娠合并症有利于孕妇健康,值得推广。
 Objective To investigate the nutritional guidance regularly during pregnancy on fetal growth and maternal health, to enhance the awareness of pregnant women on the importance of nutrition and health during pregnancy.
Methods  From May 2010 to June 2010 in our hospital 100 cases of pregnant women, early school attendance of pregnant women were randomly divided into nutrition guidance and control group, 50 patients, the former according to different periods of pregnancy specific diet for pregnant women nutritional guidance, The latter is based on eating habits and preferences of pregnant women eat. Both in the same pregnancy to monitor fetal growth and development, maternal weight, fundal height, and hemoglobin changes, B-by the dynamic measurement of fetal biparietal, head circumference, femur length,After as well as in hospital childbirth the newborn is born the body weight. h, the
 results of the Steering Group in late pregnancy by double top, head circumference, femur length index better than the control group (steering group average biparietal diameter 9.55CM, femur length average 7.13 CM; control group 9.3CM femur length 7.02CM), guide the group of pregnant women during late pregnancy were significantly higher hemoglobin (Steering Group an average of 108; the control group was 96.4.)
Conclusion The majority of maternal nutrition during pregnancy and their families has become an urgent need to understand the issues pregnant women nutritional guidance periodic benefit individual prenatal and postnatal care, pregnancy complications is conducive to reducing the health of pregnant women, worthy of promotion.
Key words pregnant women; fetus; nutritional guidance

