

全文字数:9000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


摘要从古至今茶经济带动了我国经济的发展,但在蓬勃发展的过程中,茶楼管理出现了很多问题,其中财务管理方面的问题尤为突出。这些问题的出现在很大程度上遏制了茶经济的发展。为了我国茶经济的发展,必须尽快采取措施,规范茶馆的管理,促进我国茶经济的发展。“茶”字的起源,最早见于我国的《神农本草》一书,它是世界上最古的第一部药物书。据有关专家考证,该书为战国时代(公元前5年-一公元前221年)的著作。 茶叶自古以来就成为中日两国人民友谊的纽带。唐朝时,日本僧人最澄来我国浙江天台山国清寺研究佛学,回国时带回茶籽



关键字:茶  茶馆  茶经济   遏制   措施

Tea "the origin of the word, the earliest in our country" shennong materia medica, "a book, it is the world's most ancient first drug books. According to the expert textual research, the book for the warring states period (the 5 years-a 221 BC) works.
Tea since ancient times between the two countries will become the friendship between the people. During the tang dynasty, the buddhist monks in Japan chengcheng tiantai mountain in zhejiang are green study Buddhism, return the zhi xu claimed back to tea seed grown in Japan HeZi county (namely now pool tea garden, and thus spread to) of the Japanese in southern and central. In southern song dynasty, and two Japanese west Jackson came to China, has been to tiantai, siming, children's day, SongXiaoZong he was presented with "thousand light mage" title. The teacher not only to dust and buddhist attainments is quite deep, to China tea also is very good, and write the book "remember health for tea, be the Japanese people as tea fathers. The open in a Japanese Buddhism senior monks, asked Jackson came to zhejiang JingShanSi attack inquiry, return the Buddhism to the JingShanSi "tea props", "tea table", and the well will JingShanSi "tea feast" and "wipe tea" wash spread to Japan, inspire and promote the rise of Japanese tea ceremony.
Historically tea drive the economy of China's economic development, but in the prosperous development of the process, the teahouse management the appearance of many problems, including financial management problems particularly outstanding. These problems to a great extent contain the tea to the development of economy. In order to our country economy development, the tea must take action as soon as possible, regulating the management of the teahouse, and promoting the development of the economy of the tea.
Key word: Tea, Tea economy, Containment, Measures

