

全文字数:11000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



内容摘要:该文通过分析外国保险资金运用监管法律机制的优势,剖析中国保险资金运用监管法律机制的局限性,并以此为基础,提出完善中国保险资金运用监管法律机制的建议。全文由五部分组成: 第一部分通过引言引出研究课题;第二部分是保险资金运用监管法律机制概述,该部分通过对保险资金运用法律界定的介绍,提出保险资金运用进行监管法律机制的框架。第三部分主要讲国内外保险资金运用的法律监管机制的比较分析,该部分着重分析了国外和国内保险资金运用的监管机制,并就两者进行比较,最终得到启示;第四部分主要是保险资金运用监管重在风险控制,并说明怎样进行风险控制;第五部分主要是完善中国保险资金运用监管法律机制的建议,该部分在论述上述问题的基础上,总结我国资金运用监管法律机制方面存在的问题,对完善中国保险资金运用的监管机制提出了若干建议。

Research on the legal system of supervision of insurance fund application

Abstract: In this paper, the analysis of foreign insurance funds use the mechanism of the advantages of regulatory law, analysis of China's insurance funds to use the limitations of the regulatory legal mechanisms, and on this basis, proposed to improve the use of insurance funds regulatory legal mechanism recommendations. The full text is composed of five parts: Part I Introduction leads the research project; The second part is the use of insurance funds regulatory legal mechanism for an overview of the part of the insurance funds use the legal definition of introduction, proposed the use of insurance funds framework for regulation of the legal mechanism. The third part of the main speakers of the national insurance fund with the use of legal and regulatory mechanisms, comparative analysis of the part analyzes the use of insurance funds of foreign and domestic regulatory mechanisms, and both, the ultimate inspiration; the fourth part of the insurance use of funds focusing on regulatory risk control, and how to conduct risk control; the fifth component is to improve the use of insurance funds the recommendations of the regulatory legal mechanism, this part discusses the above issues on the basis of summing up our use of funds to the regulation of the legal mechanisms exist problems, a number of recommendations to improve the regulatory mechanism for use by China's insurance funds.

Key wards: Insurance funds,Regulatory mechanism,Legal supervision method,  Risk control 

