

全文字数:20000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要
本设计通过ASP技术与数据库技术相结合来实现用户的在线购物功能,使用Macromedia Dreamweaver来制作面向用户的网页,ASP技术是网站设计的核心技术,服务器软件使用Microsoft Server2000中自带的IIS5.0。设计严格遵循软件工程的设计思想:需求分析,总体设计,详细设计,系统测试。本系统前台着重实现信息发布功能和用户的在线购物功能,另外还有在线留言,友情链接,站内搜索等功能模块;后台则侧重实现用户资料的管理,新闻信息的管理,以及用户信息、订单信息的管理,在网站的安全性方面也做了尝试,比较全面地实现了在线购物的功能。

关键字: ASP  数据库技术  网上购物  动态网页
The design and implementation of online shopping system
based on ASP
With the development of Internet technology, people's daily life has been inseparable fromthe network. The future of the people live and work will become increasinglydependent on the development of digital technology, more and moredigital, network,electronic, and virtualization.
     Internet shopping in today's developed capitalist countries have shown strong   momentum of development, in promoting national economic growth can be said is a new force.
For the whole market economy, this new type of shopping patterns may be inalarger context, more level to achieve more efficient allocation of resources.
ASP technology through the design and database technology to achieve inte-gration of the user's online shopping function, using Macromedia Dreamweaver to create a user-oriented website, ASP site design and technology is the core technology, the server software comes with Microsoft Server2000 in the IIS5. 0. Outlook on the system of information release function and the user's online shopping function, as well as online post, Links, site search function module; focus on the background while the user information management, news and information management, information and shopping , Orders the management of information, the site's security has also done a try, to achieve a more comprehensive online shopping features. 
     Keyword: ASP  dynamic  database of e-commerce  website

