

全文字数:11000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




Network group events cause and social influence
Abstract:The rapid development of Internet makes it more and more important in people's life. In the face of complex social problems, all kinds of network events, many people gathered in the virtual network space, actively participate in, each airs his own views, speak one's mind freely, forming a variety of network group events.This paper firstly analyzes the causes of network group events: From the perspective of users, democratic consciousness of citizens, to participate in consciousness increases ceaselessly, self-realization psychology, psychology of conformity, boring psychological drives netizen participation to network events in;From the external environment, social injustice, the expression of public opinion on the network channel is not smooth, relatively free speech. Secondly, summarizes the social impact of network group events: mproving the citizen's democratic participation consciousness, and can promote social justice, maintaining social harmony and stability, the social" relief valve" effect. But it also led to not civilized language spread, promote Internet rumors spread, some even become emotionally sensitive target, caused some adverse effects. Finally put forward some coping strategies of network group events, in order to make the network more standardized, to give people a reason, healthy network environment.
Key words:network group behavior;the causes;influence;countermeasure

