

全文字数:15000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


摘 要升降机是一种垂直运送人或物的起重机械。也指在工厂、仓库等物流系统中进行垂直输送的设备,升降平台上往往还装有各种平面输送设备,作为不同高度输送线的连接装置,升降机在工业中有着重要的应用。本次设计的升降台是配合汽轮机叶片的检修工作,不仅具有升降的功能,在基座部分还具有旋转的功能。关键词:升降台;旋转;运动仿真旋转升降工作台设计及运动仿真摘 要Elevator is used in vertical lifting equipment or objects.Also refers to fact

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 Elevator is used in vertical lifting equipment or objects.Also refers to factories, warehouses and other logistics systems for vertical transportation of the equipment, often equipped with a variety of planar transmission equipment,and lifts an important industrial applications.The design of the lifting platform is in line with the overhaul of turbine blade, not only has the function of movements in the base part also has the function of rotation.

Keywords:Liftin platform;Rotation; Motion Simulation

