

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要
生态文明是继工业文明之后,在可持续发展理论与实践基础上发展起来的崭新的文明形态,是人类改造生态环境、实现生态良性发展成果的总和。建设生态文明,是我国面对资源短缺、环境污染、生态问题日益严重的客观现实做出的科学的、理性的选择。建设生态文明,树立生态文明观念,是推动社会经济科学发展、促进社会和谐发展的必然要求。文章针对我国现存的严重的生态问题,提出建设生态文明对政府职能的挑战,并建议必须提高全民的生态意识,转变传统生态观念,加强生态法制建设,发展循环经济, 发挥政府的组织协调和多元机制的作用。

关键字: 生态危机;生态文明 ;政府职能
Ecological civilization is the second industrial civilization, in the theory and practices of sustainable development, developed on the basis of a new form of civilization is the human transformation of the ecological environment and realizes the fruits of development and environmental improvement combined. Build an ecological civilization is the face of China's shortage of resources, environmental pollution, and ecological problems and make the objective reality of the growing scientific and rational choice. Build an ecological civilization, and to establish the concept of ecological civilization is to promote social and economic scientific development, promote social harmony and the imperatives of development. Article against our present serious ecological problems, ecological civilization construction, the functions of government challenge. And suggested the need to improve the ecological consciousness of the whole people to change traditional ecological concepts, to enhance the ecological rule of law, develop a recycling economy, role of the government's organization and coordination and diverse mechanisms.
Key words: Ecological crisis; ecological civilization; government function

