

全文字数:18000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


随着高等教育的迅猛发展,高等教育大众化时代的到来,大学生就业难已成为不争的事实。大学生已不再是用人单位争着抢着要的香饽饽了,他们仿佛一下子成了社会的弱势群体,大学毕业生的就业难问题正日益为社会所关注。据教育部统计,2007年全国普通高校毕业生人数将达495万,比2006年增加82万,同比增幅达19.9%。2008年全国普通高校毕业生将达到559万人,比2007年增加64万。除去10%考研、考博学生、专升本学生以及出国留学生,再加上去年待就业的70万至80万人,2008年实际需要就业的人数在600万人以上,增幅为12.9%。 短时间内,大学生的就业春天不会来临。因此,正确对大学生就业难现象进行分析研究,寻求大学生就业的应对策略,是解决大学生能否顺利就业的根本途径。
with the high education development rapldly.the time of high education is coming .it is a fact that the college students are difficult to find jobs.as if the college students became a powerless range .the problem which the college students are difficults to find jobs are paid more attation by society .as the Ministry  of  Education  stastistis .the populationof graduate reach  to four millions ninty five thousand .it is increase 19.9 percent.the population of graduate reach to five million fifity nine thousand.cut the master ,doctorct add the seven hushand thousand people who are graduated last year in 2008 there are six million people need to work .in short time college student are still difficult to find jobs .so ,we should searech the phomonemen that college student are difficult to find jibs and find a way to face the problem. It is a way to solve the problems that the college student are difficult to find jobs
  key word: the employment of  college student , the  reason why college students are difficults to find jobs , government , college student , college

