

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘 要
摘  要:我国加入WTO以后,农村流通体制向社会化、市场化方向不断发展,农村市场已经呈现出了多条经营渠道、多种经济成分、多种经营形式的新格局。温家宝总理曾经给予了苏果超市的经验可以总结推广的重要批示,并在全国范围内产生了很大的影响。本文对苏果开办农村连锁超市的背景进行了分析,还写了苏果发展农村连锁超市所具备的条件,并就苏果发展农村连锁超市起步阶段的八个经营特色进行了分析,最后提出了苏果发展农村市场所得的三点启示。

关 键 词:苏果;社会主义新农村;特许加盟
The study of the development of Suguo supermarket chain in rural area
Abstract:After our country joined in WTO, the countryside circulation system to the socialization, the marketability direction develops unceasingly, the rural market already presented the multi-strip sale channel, the diversified economy ingredient, the diversified management form new pattern.Premier Wen Jiabao once gave Soviet the fruit supermarket experience to be possible to summarize the promoted important written comment, and has had the very tremendous influence in the nationwide scale. This article analysis the background of Suguo’s countryside chain-like supermarket, also wrote the condition of Suguo how to develop the countryside chain-like supermarket, and analysis eight management characteristic of Suguo developed the countryside chain-like supermarket from the beginning, finally proposed three enlightenment of Suguo developed the rural market.

Key words:Suguo;A new socialist countryside ;Special permission alliance

