

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘要:自从我国成功地加入了世界贸易组织,参于国际贸易和对外交往的机遇日益频繁。显而易见,不同文化群体的人们之间的沟通和谈判也与日俱增以刺激经济的发展。 “全球化”或“一体化” 已经成为当今商务领域出现频率最高的词语。为了提高国际的竞争力,越来越多的企业家参与到全球贸易中。毫无疑问,成功的商务谈判可以带来更多的商机,给企业带来进一步的发展。国际商务谈判不仅是经济领域的交流与合作,也是文化之间的交流与沟通。众所周知,在全球贸易中,谈判是商业领域里非常频繁而重要的活动。事实上,文化是影响谈判的重要因素,文化差异必然会引起文化冲突和摩擦,有时会导致谈判的中断甚至失败。相对于国内贸易而言,国际贸易面临着更多的挑战。因此,在国际商务谈判中一定要尽可能根据掌握的资料情况来分析与对方的文化差异,了解对方的价值观,对症下药。所以,对于从事国际商务谈判的人员来说,要想在谈判中取得成功,除了掌握基本的谈判技巧,了解各国的文化背景,价值观念,谈判习惯等是十分必要的。本文通过采用对比分析和案例分析,指出中西文化如何影响国际商务谈判,让读者了解文化因素的重要性。
The Influence of Sino-western Cultural Differences on Business Negotiation

Abstract: With our country’s successful access to the World Trade Organization, more and more opportunities of communication and negotiation between different countries have arisen in recent years. It is natural that people from different cultural groups want to participate in diverse business negotiations in order to boom the economy. In some magazines and newspapers, “globalization” or “integration” , these two words have been the buzzword in business field nowadays.
In order to inhence the international competition, more and more entrepreneurs participate in the international business. There is no doubt that successful business negotiations certianly will bring more business opportunities and further development to the company. International business negotiation is not only the communication and cooperation in the field of economy, but also world cultures which have great impact on such kind of negotiations. It is known that negotiation is a very common and important activity in the global business world. In fact, culture is one of the main factors that have important impact on negotiation practice. Sino-Western cultural differences will certainly result in cultural confrontations and frictions. Sometimes, it will lead to negotiation’s breakdown or even failures. Compared with the domestic business, international business faces more challenges. Therefore, during the international business negotiation, we should collect materials about the other party’s value notions as many as possible and to analyse the culture difference ahead. In such circumstance, when we get familiar with the characteristic of the other party, we can hit to the point during the negotiation.So in addition to basic negotiation skills, it is very necessary for the international business negotiators to understand the cultural backgroud, value notions, and negotiation habits of the different countries.
This thesis by means of case analysis and comparative study, aims to point out how western-sino cultural differences influence business negotiation. It also helps the Chinese negotiators to understand the importance of cultural differences.
Key words: Cultural Differences; Business Negotiation; Time Consciousness; Value;

