

全文字数:7000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




No matter how Moment in Peking enjoys such high reputation in the West, it has to give way to Red Chamber Dream no matter the dimensions structure or the choices of words. After concerning with its scale, style or choice of words, we got the idea why it was addressed as “The Modern Red Chamber Dream”. And Red Chamber Dream is perfect beyond compare in the history of literature. However, Moment in Peking got its own shining points; and the most shining star was Mr. Yao. If Mulan, the heroine is compared to be an obvious mainspring in action, her father Mr. Yao is a hidden thread in spirit. In some way, he carried most of the deep-going ideas of the novel, even though there was not much description of him. Mr. Yao was a wisdom man with ninety percent of Taoism and ten percent of Confucianism in his mind. His life attitude, the "morality", which is the thread to connect numerous events and figures at different time and in different places, was well illustrated in this novel. He is the right character who in fact supported the novel and filled the book full of excellence and deep-going ideas. In the following article, the whole life of Mr. Yao will be divided into three periods and will be fully elaborated by his four children and trivial in his daily life. Through the analysis on this image, we may find out Moment in Peking is not just a simple copy or a version of Red Chamber Dream. And it was Yao Hueitsai; a typical Chinese man who made the book shining is a character that cannot be found in Red Chamber Dream. That may be why Moment in Peking can be nominated for four times for the Nobel Prize for Literature.

Key words: Taoism, Family education, Confucianism, Mr. Yao, Mulan
摘 要
《京华烟云》,一部曾四次被推荐为诺贝尔文学奖候选作品的小说。作者林语堂以现代英语为载体,描绘了一幅中国社会历史风俗长卷; 向外国人展示了源远流长的中国传统文化。但是,尽管长期以来享誉西方,由于此书是用英文写作,在中国却不见得如何出名。虽说在文学史上,它仍然难与《红楼梦》一较长短,但《京华烟云》被称为“现代版的《红楼梦》”也不是没有原因的。细细品味之后,我们发现,它并不是《红楼梦》的一个简单的缩影或粗糙的翻译,而是《红楼梦》的精神在某种程度上的延伸。



