
“ 污点证人”制度研究

全文字数:12000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


“ 污点证人”制度研究

摘  要: “污点证人”是刑事诉讼中一种特殊证人, 刑事诉讼中运用“污点证人”制度能够有效地打击犯罪。伴随着我国刑事诉讼改革的加强,该制度已成为困扰我国司法实践并急需解决的重要理论课题。同时欧美国家司法实践也证明,“污点证人”制度的存在有其相应的必要性。但是,我国未对此制度进行法律规定。本文试图首先对“污点证人”及其权利做一个较为准确的界定,然后论述“污点证人”的适用原则,在此基础上对我国“污点证人”制度进行合理的构建。针对我国司法资源的不足以及证人制度不健全等多种现状,对构建具有中国特色的“污点证人”制度提出了立法构想,希望对我国刑事诉讼证人制度的完善做出有益的探索。
"Indemnified Witness" system research


Abstract: The indemnified Witness is a special kind of witnesses,In criminal lawsuit using the system can effectively combat crime,With the reform of our country's criminal procedure,This system has become the country's judicial practice and the important theoretical problem to solve. At the same time, the judicial practices of European and American countries prove that application of exemption of indemnified witness has relevant bases of value, but this system isn’t prescribed by law in our country. This paper tries to make a comparative accurate definition for “Indemnified witness " and the right at first, then discusses the witness principles .on the basis of it ,we can make a reasonable construction. Due to the female anti-growth narrative judicial resources, to construct Chinese characteristic witness system proposed legislation, hope for our country's criminal procedure witness system made beneficial exploration.
Key words: Indemnified Witness;Rights;Apply principles;Immunity system;   Construction

