

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要:随着我国市场经济的日益发展发展,格式合同因其独特的简便快捷性得到了广泛的应用和发展。格式合同的广泛运用,一方面节约大量的订约时间,促进交易的进行,改变了过去合同订立反复要约和承诺的一系列繁琐的行为,消除了复杂的讨价还价程序,大大降低了交易成本,提高了交易效率,但也在一定程度上违背了合同自由原则。提供商品或服务的一方当事人在拟定格式合同时,往往利用其优势地位,尽可能地制定有利于自己、不利于消费者的条款。这些不公平的现象违反了公平、诚实信用等基本交易原则,直接导致当事人双方的权益失衡。因而对其加以规制,以平衡交易双方利益,维持良好的市场秩序,无疑是十分必要的。

The standard form of contract with the protection of consumers' rights and interests


Abstract :Along with the development of market economy in China, due to its unique format contract simple promptness widely application and development. Extensive use of the contract, on the one hand, save much time, promote the trade of contracting, change the past contract offer and acceptance and a series of trivals, eliminate the complex bargaining process, greatly reducing the transaction cost and improve the efficiency of trade, but also in some extent freedom of contract against principle. Provide the goods or services of the party in the protocol format contract, often use its dominant position, as far as possible to oneself, unfavorable for the consumers. These inequalities violated fairness, honesty and credit principle, basic deal directly cause the rights and interests of the parties to the imbalance. Therefore, in the interests of both parties in balance, maintaining the market order, good is very necessary.
Key words :Form contract ;The regulation of the form contract ;
Consumers' rights and interests.

