

全文字数:20000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




本论文是以中国基督教三自爱国运动委员会、中国基督教协会编写的2009年版的《圣经 附赞美诗(新编)》为研究对象,研究刑法的起源。旧约虽然是宗教的典籍,但是它与希伯来人的生活融为一体,它与历史、法律、道德等于一体,刑法的体现主要是以法条的形式集中展现在摩西十诫,而在补充、具体规定以及案例主要集中在《出埃及记》、《利末记》、《民数记》当中,这三章也是我们主要研究的对象。而论文写法采用的是文献分析当中的文本分析方法,对旧约里的刑法理论进行综合而又比较细致的分析,对比同时期的中国法制体系,以及对于其后的刑法制度发展的影响。希望通过一系列的分析研究,考证基督教文化对于整个刑法发展历程的影响。

关键词:旧约; 刑法; 原理
On The Criminal Law’s Theory in “The Old Testament” and the influence of law system in the modern society


This paper which is based on "The Bible With A Psalm (new)" learns the origin of the criminal law. The old testament is the religious books and records, but it contains the Hebrews` whole life with history, law, morality, the embodiment of the criminal law is mainly by the form of law in the ten commandments showcase of Moses, and in the supplement, specific provisions cases and mainly concentrated in the last three chapters, which is also our main studied. And the paper is written document analysis of text analysis method, the bible criminal law theory and more comprehensive and detailed analysis, comparison of China's legal system in the same period, and the subsequent criminal law system development impact. Hope through a series of analysis and study of the Christian culture for the criminal law textual research on the development process of influence.
This paper is divided into four sections for discourse analysis, the first chapter is study involved in the old testament to the criminal law theory, the old testament law can be divided into the divine law and human law, both their analysis included again types. The second chapter summary the characteristics of the old testament criminal law. The third chapter discuss the old testament of criminal law and contrast the characteristics of the system, and concludes that the characteristics of a subsequent effect on the development of; The last chapter of the research is about the influence of the old testament to the criminal law in the modern society.

Key words: the old testament;the criminal law;the principle

