

全文字数:5500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




摘    要

艾丽丝•沃克(Alice Walker)把争取种族平等和妇女解放作为终身的事业,为了使黑人女性真正从压迫中解放而奋斗。《紫色》是其最重要的代表作,自发表以来,掀起一场黑人女性解放运动。沃克的这部作品在内容上有很大突破,提出了妇女主义精神,从独特的视角描写女性的斗争,在抨击种族歧视的同时揭露性别歧视,把争取女性平等的斗争扩大到黑人群体当中。

关键词:  《紫色》,  西里,  女性意识,  条件

Alice Walker(1944一)is one of the most influential black American writer ,a tireless fighter for the equal right for black women and to real emancipation of the black women of her lifetime. The Color Purple is her master work and has aroused great reverberation since its publication in 1982.
The novel has exposed the profound persecution and the discrimination to the black female from the Caucasian and the black man and has unfolded a pitiful picture of Celie, a representative of the black female living in the patriarchy society. And the novel has also elaborated the development of Celie who got the endless help from her black sisters. Then, as her self-awareness was awoken, she set up family consciousness, and at last, she built up her social status and finally got free of the oppression finally. In her novel, Alice Walker constructed a harmonious relationship between the black male and black female. Aiming to analyze the conditions of the awakening of Celie’s feminist consciousness, the thesis intends to wake the elaboration from three aspects-----the unlimited oppression of the black women such as Celie, the support and love between sisters, and the awakening of Celie’s self-consciousness. By specifying the condition of Celie’s awakening, the thesis hopes to clarify the significance of the black women’s constant fight against discrimination and oppression and their restless fight for freedom.

Key Words:  The Color Purple;  Celie;  Feminist Consciousness;  Condition

