

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘 要:文章首先分析我国保险市场和保险公估市场的发展现状,提出目前的发展成就及问题;然后详细阐述了我国行业性保险公估的发展特点以及发展状况;而后运用SWOT分析方法,详细指出我国行业性保险公估目前存在的优势,劣势,机会以及挑战,并提出了发展策略,从行业性保险公估的角度来寻找公估行业的发展突破口。

Current Situation and SWOT Analysis of China's
industry-Insurance Assessment
Abstract: The article first analyzes China's insurance market and insurance assessment market situation, make the current achievements and problems; then elaborated on China's insurance industry, the public assessment of the development characteristics and development; then the use of SWOT analysis, detailed in our industry Insurance Assessment of existing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges, and proposed development strategies, industry-based insurance assessment from the perspective of development of the industry to find a breakthrough in public estimation.
Key words:Insurance assessor;current situation;SWOT Analysis;strategics

