

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



如今竞争情报的搜集能力攸关企业的竞争力。而互联网的普及, 为企业竞争情报的获取提供新的机会和途径, 也使因特网成为目前最重要的竞争情报信息来源之一。本文通过文献调查法,总结归纳法等研究方法,论述了竞争情报对企业的重要性,分析了网络环境下竞争情报内容及其来源的变化,着重对网络环境下竞争情报的搜集方法进行了深入的研究介绍,对各种竞争情报的搜集方法作出了分类总结,对各种类型的竞争情报可以采用的搜集方法及方法组合作了归纳,以便企业在现实的情报工作中更好的开展工作,掌握必要的情报搜集能力,从而从容地面对激烈的市场竞争。

Nowaday the ability of collecting informative has relation to the ability of competition to a business enterprise. As the popularization of the Internet , the Internet has provided new way to get competition intelligence. The Internet has became one of the most important ways of getting competitive intelligence. In order to make it easy to get competitive intelligence,and make the enterprise win the game, this text use literature search and induction,and talks about the importance of the competition intelligence , analyses the difference of intelligence resources between the Internet and tradition.And also this text introduces methods of getting competitive intelligence on the Internet, and staples these methods, and sums up different methods to various type of competition intelligence.

Key  Words:Competitive intelligence ,Internet ,Enterprise ,Collecting


