

全文字数:16000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




摘  要


Target market Marketing Strategy research on China Post Logistics of huaihua Branch company

Since the establishment of China Post Logistics company is facing pressure from various aspects of one of its own still in the initial stage of development, management, backward, lack of talent, resources and constraints that have made China Post Logistics in the intense competition in the market seem difficult . Therefore, the development of China Post Logistics, increase market share, will have to develop their own situation and characteristics, time to adjust and make the right marketing strategies. Therefore, the China Post Logistics Huaihua branch, active measures for the implementation of higher level guidance, selection and training talents, innovation, optimization, internal coordination, market research, pragmatic, and strive in the next three years to track Huaihua postal logistics.

Key words
Huaihua ;Logistics industry;Target marketing;Marketing strategy combination

