

全文字数:9000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要:第三方物流企业在竞争如此激烈的市场中,通过用减少成本的手段来赢得优势越来越难了,越来越多的企业意识到要想占据市场只有提高服务质量。现在的第三产业根本就是服务,物流运输企业运作的核心竞争力就是服务。现阶段的热点就是物流企业怎样提高服务质量。本文就如何对德邦物流服务质量进行正确有效的评价进行分析,并在此基础上就如何提高服务质量提出了一个解决思路和建议。


Abstract:In the fierce market competition, the third party logistics enterprises by reducing the cost of obtaining competitive advantage becomes more and more difficult, more and more enterprises only improve service quality to win the market space. Now, the tertiary industry is service, service is the core competitiveness of logistics enterprise operation. How to improve the logistics service quality has become a new hotspot in present stage. This is the service quality of Debon logistics how to be analyzed in correct evaluation, and on this basis on how to improve service quality and put forward a solution and suggestion.

Keywords:Debon logistics,service quality,customer satisfaction,SERVQUAL model


