

全文字数:7500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要:每个舞蹈都有其外在和内在的法规,中国“古典舞”是舞蹈艺术中的一个类别,是在民族民间传统舞蹈的基础上,经过历代艺术家提炼、加工和创造,长期流传下来,具有典范意义和古典风格的舞蹈,其一样需要内在的法和外在的法的指引和规范。可见中国古典舞的身法训练在中国古典舞中具有极其重要的作用。本文结合身法的概述,从训练的内容及训练方法、方面探讨了中国古典舞身法训练,并从对身法训练对中国古典舞中教学的重要性、对中国古典舞建构的巨大影响、对中国古典舞创作的影响和为中国古典舞的传承和发展赋予了有效的平台和土壤这四个方面分析了其重要性。

The importance of training method of Chinese classical dance

Abstract:In Chinese classical dance exquisite soft fruity, pay attention to the whole body othe comprehensive, coordinated and artistic performance, especially pay attention to the hands, eyes, body, and the steps of expression, ideographic and modelling ability, to strengthen training to represent the emotional, created image to dance. Each dance has its external and internal rules and regulations, classic is the same need internal "law" and the external "law" guidance and norms. The training method of Chinese classical visible in Chinese classical to have the extremely vital role.
Key words: in Chinese classical dance; Waza training; importance


