

全文字数:7500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要:常德丝弦是常德本土方言和本地小调的基础上形成的一种艺术形式。作为一支独特的曲艺,在我国曲艺园中已有几百年的历史。它不仅有完整成熟的板腔体唱腔,并且有丰富优美的曲牌。还能表演情节复杂、戏剧性强的丝弦戏。现在人们对常德丝弦的曲艺价值的了解只是在听觉和视觉以及宏观的角度进行欣赏与探究。本选题以说唱丝弦为例,对常德丝弦的音乐特征特性进行一定的研究与探讨,以举例子的形式,特别针对说唱丝弦这部作品,来形象的突出常德丝弦的音乐特征,使常德丝弦的音乐征更形象化、深入化,从而让更多的研究者领略常德丝弦的魅力。

On the artistic features of Changde God
——to rap and as an example

Abstract:Changde province is a native of Changde dialect and local minor formed the basis of a kind of art form. As a unique folk art, folk art garden in our country already had history of hundreds of years. It not only has a full fledged plate cavity singing, and has a rich and beautiful tune. Can perform complex plot, strong and dramatic play. Now the people of Changde and art value understanding is in auditory and visual as well as macroscopical angle of appreciation and research. In this article, rap and as an example, on the Changde stringed music characteristics of certain research and discussion. For example in the form of, especially for rap and it works, to image the prominent Changde stringed music characteristic, make Changde stringed music syndrome more figurative, in-depth, so that more and more researchers to appreciate the charm of Changde province.
Key words: Hunan Changde;  string;  folk art; music features;

