

全文字数:8000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘 要:随着改革开放的不断深入,“三农”问题成为目前浙江经济发展中的重大问题,是构建和谐社会、建设社会主义新农村的关键。解决“三农”问题不仅需要提供资金,也需要提供一套风险管理机制和保障体系。面对广阔的农村市场,保险机构也想尽快地将其变为自身业务新的增长点,本文以农村银保合作为研究对象,重点分析了浙江农村银保的现状和存在的问题,围绕如何构建浙江农村银保系统进行了探讨,并对浙江农村银保的发展前景进行了详细的阐述。

Study on Development of Bancassurance in Zhengjiang Rural

Abstract:With the deepening of reform and opening up," Problems facing to rural area,peasantry and agriculture " issue become the economic development in Zhejiang, a major issue is the construction of a harmonious society and building a new socialist countryside key. Solve the "three rural" issue requires not only funding, but also need to provide a risk management mechanism and security system. The face of the vast rural market, insurance agencies would also like to as soon as possible to turn it into a new growth point of their business, this paper rural Bancassurance as the research object, focusing on analysis of bank-insurance in rural areas of Zhejiang and problems of the status quo, on how to Construction of Zhejiang Rural Bank security system has been discussed, and Zhejiang Rural Bank insured for the future development in detail.
Key words:Problems facing to rural area,peasantry and agriculture of zhejiang;Rural Insurance;Bancassurance

