

全文字数:13000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




The Differentiation Research of the Perception of the Economic Impact of Shanghai EXPO Based on the Cultural Difference

Abstract:With the maturity of exhibition industry in China, many large conferences, exhibitions, festival activities held in the major cities. Obviously these activities not only affect the participants, they also push the residents’ perceptions to all kinds of impacts caused by these activities stronger and stronger. And to successfully hold large activities for people, it usually involves not only the good cooperation between enterprise chains in exhibition industry, but also the inhabitants’ cooperation and participation. Therefore, it is necessary to make a research on local residents’ perceptions deeply and particularly and find the influential factors of the perception differences. This paper, with residents in shanghai as the subject, analyzes the perceptions of the residents in different cultural levels to the 16 economic impact index of Shanghai world expo according to the factor of culture degree differences of Shanghai residents. And making a contrast analysis with the same research topic completed before, we draw some rules of residents’ perception and attitudes changes, hoping to providing some helps to predicting the residents’ perception and attitudes changes for the exhibition events and formulating some targeted measures. To establish the harmonious relationship, realize a win-win situation among large-scale activities, community and tourists.

Keywords: The Shanghai world expo; Economic impact; perception; Education  level

