

全文字数:7000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要:近年来,公务员报考人数年年飙升。考公务员已然成为各高校毕业生以至整个社会炙手可热的就业选择,公务员考试已经成为了名符其实的“天下第一考”。公务员报考热一方面显示出我国政治参与机制迫切需要进一步完善,另一方面却又十分清晰地折射出一系列复杂的社会问题。本文将由公务员报考热的各种成因入手对“公务员热”产生的各种社会问题进行初步的探讨。

Dialysis of the "Civil hot"
Abstract: In recent years, Civil servants in mid-rising number of candidates. Civil service exam has become the hottest college graduates and the community employment options, the civil service exam has become a truly "best in the world test." Servant hot political participation in China on the one hand shows the urgent need to further improve the mechanism, on the other hand very clearly reflects a complex social problem. This will be the various causes of the civil service applicants hot start on the "Civil hot" for a variety of social issues was discussed.
Key words:"Civil hot";employment mechanism;the official standard; herd mentality; the social security system;policy recommendations.

