

全文字数:5500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


With increasingly advanced technology, social civilization and progress of modern society increasingly fierce competition.
"Knowledge is power," this sentence seems to have aroused the attention of parents. This was followed by parents and gradually realizes that knowledge for the future survival of a person of importance. They want their children to the early growth and this feeling of, but they misunderstood the concept of true education. This has led to an extreme problem. That is the result of early childhood education in primary schools has become increasingly more serious. As future educators we have the right and obligation to change this phenomenon. We pre-school education should be based on understanding children above the age characteristics, more communication with parents of common concern children's education, to train qualified people to make their own strength.
Key Words: Primary; Early childhood education; Performance and Countermeasures
目    录
引言 1
一、幼儿教育小学化的具体表现 1
(一)行为规范方面,要求幼儿像小学生一样遵规守纪,少动少玩 1
(二)学习知识方面,要求幼儿像小学生一样以学为主,刻苦学习 1
(三) 强调学科知识的学习,忽视其它方面的教育 2
二、幼儿教育小学化的危害 2
(一) 扼杀幼儿天性,严重损害幼儿身心健康 2
(二) 与社会要求相脱节,不符合新世纪用人的需要 2
(三) 与小学教育相脱节,对小学教育形成负面影响 3
三、幼儿教育小学化的原因 3
(一)来自家长的压力 3
(二)来自教育部门的压力 4
(三) 来自社会的压力 5
四、纠正幼儿教育小学化倾向的措施 5
(一) 加强对幼儿教育宗旨的宣传,提高全社会对幼儿教育的认识 5
(二)在幼儿教师中开展一场教育思想大讨论,提高幼儿教师业务素质 5
(三)进一步加大教育部门对幼儿园指导、监督、管理的力度 6
结 论 6

