

全文字数:8500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


促进合肥地区房地产经纪行业健康发展的对策研究随着房地产市场的发展,房地产经纪逐渐变成了一个独立的行业,在促进房地产市场繁荣的同时,也暴露出自身的许多问题。再加之监管方面的缺乏,发生了一系列影响较大的房地产中案件。如何使房地产经纪行业走出困境,并使其健康发展已经成为当务之急。 本文主体分为三大部分: 第一部分首先就房地产经纪的概念及房地产经纪行为的法律特征进行界定和分析,明确了房地产经纪的性质,并澄清了对房地产经纪的一些认识上的误区。 第二部分运用实证的方法对合肥市房地产经纪机构及其监管现状进行分析,论述了房地产经纪行业监管问题产生的原因。 第三部分就如何使合肥市房地产经纪行业健康发展提出了一些标准 关键词:房地产经纪;市场监管;健康发展;标准 Abstract With the development of the real estate market, Real Estate Brokerage becomes aseparate industry.In the promotion of the real estate market boom ,at the same time, there aremany problems in the industry itself. As part of a special intermediary , how to make an effective monitoring system has become a matter of urgency and is the subject of this writing process. This paper is divided into four main parts: The first part of the issues is the answer of what real estate brokeage is. It defines the concept of real estate brokerage and clears the nature of real estate brokerage using qualitative research methods. The second part analyses the Hefei’s real estate brokerage organizations and their regulatory status of using the application of empirical methods and explaines the causes of regulatory issues of real estate brokerage industry. The third part of the article is make some criterions in order to make the Real Estate Brokerage become health develop. Key Words:Real Estate Brokerage;Market Regulation;health develop;criterion

