

全文字数:8500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


人民币升值对我国中小型外贸企业的影响及对策 摘要:近年来,随着国内外经济的不断发展,人民币一直保持小幅上扬的趋势。人民币升值,对我国中小型外贸企业造成了重要影响。人民币升值既有利也有弊,从有利的方面来看,人民币升值会促进企业加大研发力度,提高产品技术含量;促进我国中小企业实现产业结构优化升级,转变外贸增长方式,改善国际贸易条件,促进我国中小企业提高国际竞争能力和抗风险能力。但是人民币升值同样也会导致出口企业的订单数量减少,市场占有率下降,企业利润减少;失业人数增加;企业汇率风险及经营风险增大。本文通过分析中小外贸企业发展面临的问题以及人民币升值对我国中小型外贸企业带来的积极和消极影响,旨在指导我国中小型企业采取有针对性的措施,竭力减小经济损失,同时不断发展壮大自己。 关键词:人民币升值;中小型外贸企业;影响; 对策 The impact and Countermeasures of appreciation of RMB on small and medium export-oriented enterprises in China Abstract:These years, as the economy continues to develop at home and abroad , the RMB has been to maintain a slight upward trend. The appreciation of RMB has lead to the Chinese small and medium export-oriented enterprises a major impact. The appreciation of RMB has its advantages and disadvantages, from the positive side, the appreciation of RMB will promote the enterprises to increase R&D efforts, improving the technological content of products;It will also promote the small and medium export-oriented enterprises to achieve the optimization upgrading of industrial structure, change the mode foreign trade growth and improve conditions for international trade , improving their international competitiveness and ability to resist risks. But the appreciation of RMB will also lead to order reduction in the number of export enterprises, the decrease of the market share and the reduction of corporate profits; The number of unemployment and the exchange rate risk and business risk will increase. This article analyses the problems facing the development of small and medium export-oriented enterprises and the positive and negative impact of RMB appreciation on these enterprises, so we can guide our small and medium export-oriented enterprises to take targeted measures to reduce economic losses and continue to grow and develop themselves. Key words: RMB appreciation; Small and medium export-oriented enterprises; Impact; Countermeasures

