

全文字数:14000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



关键词:公务员  绩效考核  绩效考核方法

Scientific performance appraisal of civil servants and response analysis
Performance appraisal of civil servants as an important strategy for administrative reform and innovation by the government and the research and application, but in actual testing process as many subjective and objective factors, it should be noted that many civil servants in the performance assessment mechanism had yet to be perfected. The use of literature France, logic analysis and other methods to the evolution of the civil service system, the civil service system and performance appraisal system problems and responses were discussed, with a focus on the civil service performance appraisal methods, with the hope that through the performance appraisal of civil servants brought to my help, HR management through the introduction of the relevant theories and methods from advanced performance appraisal methods, the scientific civil service performance appraisal for our work for the public sector in other areas of HR management objective basis for decision-making, and optimize the civil service, strengthening the supervision of the civil service then upgrade administrative efficiency.
Keywords: civil service  performance appraisal  Performance appraisal methods
目       录

引   言 1
1.我国公务员制度演变和绩效考核必要性 1
1.1我国公务员制度演变 1
1.2公务员绩效考核的必要性 2
1.2.1绩效考核是对公务员进行科学管理的基础 3
1.2.2绩效考核是优化公务员队伍的重要手段 3
1.2.3绩效考核是强化公务员监督的必要手段 3
1.2.4绩效考核是提升行政效率的重要前提 3
2公务员绩效考核 4
2.1公务员绩效考核的基本框架 4
2.1.1考核类型的划分 4
2.1.2 考核的基本原则 4
2.1.3考核内容 5
2.1.4考核程序 5
2.2公务员绩效考核方法 6
2.2.1目标管理法 6
2.2.2 360度绩效考核计划 6
2.2.3 KPI关键业绩指标法 7
2.2.4平衡记分卡在政府绩效考核中的运用 7
3.公务员绩效考核存在问题分析 9
3.1公务员考核无法可依,考核标准过于笼统 9
3.2缺乏科学的考核体系 10
3.3考核等次偏少 10
3.4考核程序流于形式 10
3.5考核结果难以兑现 11
4.完善我国公务员绩效考核的对策 11
4.1 完善相关法律,法规 11
4.2建立完善科学的绩效考核指标 11
4.3评估主体多元化 12
4.4绩效结果要及时反馈和应用 12
结   论 13
参考文献 13


