

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




关 键 词:资本市场;管理;自律
The problems and countermeasures in Chinese capital market

The capital market is an important part of the market economy, its development of market economy plays an important role, regulate, order, prosperity, and wonderful capital market will promote positive and healthy development of the market economy. Of capital markets on the capital market regulation is an important part of operating system, effective supervision and management can guard against and defuse the risk of capital markets, to maintain capital market order. In this paper, the basic concept of the capital markets start with a brief introduction of the concept of capital markets, characteristics, resulting in the development of the historical process of China's capital markets dialysis reservoir exists many problems, such as the lack of structural constraints, lack of institutional constraints, ethical shortcomings, These issues call for China to need a sound capital market supervision and management system. China's capital market for the particular circumstances and characteristics of China's capital market regulation is proposed to build self-discipline and improving China's capital market regulatory system some suggestions.


KEY WORDS: capital markets; management;  self-discipline

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