

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




关键词:跨国公司; 广告; 跨文化交际
 Study on the Localization of Transnational Corporation Advertisement
Abstract: With the further development of economy and culture globalization, business exchanges between companies all over the world have presented the unprecedented frequency. Transnational Corporations, in order to expand international market shares, they find advertising, an important tool of international marketing and cross-culture communication. We can say that advertising is a kind of special communication. With economy globalization, transnational companies develop very rapidly in China, of which the global environment, are the main subject of cross-cultural communication, and the transnational advertising is a pioneer of cross-cultural communication. Yet, during the process of transnational ads transmission, many problems exist, like different economic environment, different culture values, different religion background. This paper takes the localization of transnational corporation advertisement as the study object, and analyses with cross-cultural communication. First, introduces the current situation of transnational ads in the world, especially in China. Then, proposes the topic of transnational ads’ localization in China from the perspectives of successful and unsuccessful strategies. Presents culture integration from name localization, values localization, language localization, custom localization. Third, analyzes the reason why it becomes more and more in line with the tastes of the Chinese people from many factors, mainly from values at the perspective of cross-culture communication, like collectivism and individualism, uncertainty avoidance, power distance, masculinity and femininity. Finally, the paper puts forward some suggestions suit the localization of transnational ads in China, and encourages Chinese enterprises to pay more attention to the latest popular elements, and absorb transnational advertising concept.

Keywords: Transnational Corporation; Advertisement; Cross-culture communication
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